Little Big Plastics
Nowadays, microplastics have already been ubiquitous reported in almost all aquatic habitats of the planet, from the open seas to deep oceans, river, lakes, the water column, and sediments. The most pessimistic predictions on the impact of microplastics establish that their amount will overpass that of fish by 2050. It has been demonstrated both in the laboratory and in nature that animals can take up microplastics. Effects are still largely unknown but are increasingly the subject of scientific scrutiny, as microplastic pollution is suspected to rapidly increase in water in the future.

However, one of the gaps reported almost everywhere is the difficulty to establish the distribution and to quantify the amount of MPs in waters. This is attributed to the lack of proper and harmonized sampling and analysis methods. This growing concern is parallel to the increase of the production linked to the steady demand growth, which reached 49 million tonnes in Europe and 322 in the world in 2015. Plastics and, consequently, microplastics are very stable and therefore stay in the environment a long time after they are discarded.

1. Filter Your Tap Water According to Tapp Water, researchers say that microplastics are in as much as 94% of U.S. tap water, and 72% of tap water in Europe. Filtering your water can reduce your intake of microplastics, based on a review of various water filter brand specifications, ConsumerLab says. Most carbon block water filters can remove microplastics, and biodegradable coconut shell-based carbon block filters may also be effective, says Tapp Water.
2. Avoid Plastic Containers Plastics take a long time to break down, and microplastics are a result of that process, writes Global Citizen. By avoiding the use of plastic containers like water bottles whenever possible you can help keep plastics out of landfills and lessen your consumption.
3. Avoid Beauty Products With Microbeads Microbeads are small pieces of plastic added to some health and beauty products, such as toothpastes and facial scrubs, NOAA writes. By limiting or avoiding products with microbeads, you can help discourage manufacturers from using them while reducing your own exposure to plastics.

4. Air Dry Your Clothes Studies show that washing and drying synthetic fibers may release over 700,000 microplastic fibers into the environment, The Guardian reported in 2016. The Plastics Pollution Coalition says that air drying clothes, or simply reducing their time in the dryer, can help cut back on microplastics produced by clothes washing.
5. Try To Limit Eating Meat & Fish Researchers say that microplastics are eaten by marine life and some land animals, such as chicken, The Conversation writes. Since microplastics seem to be entering the food chain, limiting your consumption of meat and fish, if you can, may help reduce your exposure.

6. Stick With Non-Synthetic Clothing Fibers Synthetic clothing fibers may significantly contribute to microplastics pollution, EcoWatch says. If you can, buying clothes made of natural fibers, such as cotton, can help. The Guppyfriend bag is also a potential solution, EcoWatch says. The Guppyfriend, collects the fibers that synthetic clothing sheds during washing, so that microplastics don’t end up down the drain. While the issue of microplastics pollution worldwide can feel overwhelming, know that there are simple steps you can take to help reduce your exposure. Even if you can’t hit every item on your environmental hero to-do list, know that any effort you make to help lessen plastic consumption can make a difference.